All go !

All go !

All go ! 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions
juggling jobs image

Not done an update in a while, but lots going on behind the scenes so time for an update for those that are interested

  • Working on a new website project for a new client (which came via a referral). Training is starting this week with rollout at the end of October !  The project will also include a new e-commerce aspect, diary system and potentially ticket sales + ongoing support and email hosting.
  • Numerous issues with the Windows 1803 update, mainly on older hardware and devices with limited storage.
  • New e-commerce payment gateway testing for an exisiting client and a new website underway
  • New Office365 installation for a new client to replace a mixture of POP3/IMAP email accounts, secure cloud storage as well as onsite backups over multiple devices.