Risk Score

FAQ on Risk Score – a way to visualise the human threat to your organisation

What is Risk Score ?

What is Risk Score ? 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

Risk Score is a way to visualise the human threat to your organisation. It includes both an individual Risk Score for each of your users, and an overall Risk Score for your company.

What is the benefit of Risk Score?

Risk score allows you to assess the level of human error that your end-users are likely to commit. It allows you to gain an understanding of the general level of security awareness present in the organisation, as well as providing you a breakdown by group or department. This helps you assess whether training has been effective, and prioritise the most imminent gaps in awareness.

How is Risk Score calculated?

Currently (as of November 2019) Risk Score is calculated using uLearn performance. Course performance data is calculated to display an individual Risk Score for each user, as well as being aggregated together in the overall Risk Score to show a holistic overview of your organisation’s level of human risk.

What do the scores mean?

The Risk Score algorithm sorts all users into three categories: Low, Medium and High.

  • A user with a Low Risk Score has performed well in their training and has a good level of security awareness.
  • A user with a Medium Risk Score has had moderate success in their training and may be more likely to make security mistakes.
  • A user with a High Risk Score has a lower level of security awareness and is likely to need extra training and guidance to reduce the possibility of human error in situations where security is at stake.