No More Ransom Project – Fighting back against ransomware

No More Ransom Project – Fighting back against ransomware

No More Ransom Project – Fighting back against ransomware 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

A new website, No More Ransom, has been unveiled to help computer users fight back against ransomware.

The “No-More-Ransom” website is a new project by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre and two cyber security companies – Kaspersky Lab and Intel Security – with the goal to help victims of ransomware retrieve their encrypted data without having to pay the criminals.

No More Rnasom website screenshot

Whilst the “No-More-Ransom” has only just launched, there is a mechanism available to users to upload files to try and identify the type of ransomware involved and to offer potential solutions to get the data back, without paying the ransom.  The site hopes that with more user involvement, from both the public and security companies, more keys and variants can be discovered to help decrypt more ransomware keys.

The website is also aimed at educating users as to how ransomware works and the steps that can be taken to help prevent infection.

Hopefully you will never need the site, but it is worth checking out for the Q&A’s on ransomware, prevention steps and the tools available to help if you do get infected.