Walkies ! Charlie Paws Pet Services move to Hightrees

Walkies ! Charlie Paws Pet Services move to Hightrees

Walkies ! Charlie Paws Pet Services move to Hightrees 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

Charlie Paws Pet Services have recently moved their website hosting and email to Hightrees Organisation Limited.

Based in Wiltshire, the team at Charlie Paws offer a range of Pet services, from Dog walking to a Pet Taxi service, and Pet Boarding to Equine Care !

As part of the website migrations we have

  • fixed a few issues with their previous website and ensured all security updates for the core website and plugins are installed,
  • fixed an issue when the website is being used on mobile devices,
  • upgraded the website to be running with an SSL certificate

Charlie Pawss SSL test result image

  • optimised some of the images and made some speed improvements so that the site loads quicker.

Charlie Paws Speed results

Please take a look at Charlie Paws Pet Services here