Home User Services

IT Services, Support and Products for Home Users from Hightrees Organisation Limited

Home User IT Support

Home User IT Support 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

Hightrees Organisation Limited can offer a range of IT Support services for the home user.

Below are a few common scenarios that we come across : Help with Hardware and Software Problems

  • Are you getting the Blue Screen of Death or cryptic error messages that make no sense ?
  • Software Installations and Upgrades
    Unsure of how to upgrade your software to the latest version ?
    Scared of performing on-line security updates to your operating system ?
    Is Anti-virus upgrading a challenge you are just putting off ?
  • Hardware Upgrades – Advice and Installations
  • Do you kids complain that games are slow ? When working at home, does your application take forever ?
  • Web based services
    Websites, email, weblogs
  • Ever fancied your own website ?
    Does the idea of owning your own ‘domain’ interest you but you don’t know how to go about it ?
    Would you like to publish your views for the world to see ?
  • Informal One-to-One Training on Email, Office Applications, Operating Systems

We can perform support either at your home, or via remote control if possible – please cotact us for more information.




Home User Online Backups

Home User Online Backups 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

How important is your computer data and what are the consequences of losing it?

For many reasons data loss can occur, for example; hardware failure, software failure, malicious attack, natural disasters.

For the home user, what happens if you lose those precious memories – wedding photos, important emails, home or course work ?


With the computer become more and more an integral part of our home as well as business life, what would you do if  you lost information stored on your PC ?  It could be your email and contacts, it could be the coursework you have been working on for the last year, it could be your home accounts – whilst there may not appear to be a financial impact, how much time would you lose either re-entering the data, would there be financial penalties or implications if you didn’t have your personal accounts to hand when it came to filing your online tax forms ?


Online data backup has many major advantages over other backup methods:

* Total automation, you no longer have to pay staff to manage your backup process.
* Total security, your data is encrypted to the same levels used by national banks before it is transmitted. It will reside on infrastructure in the encrypted same state. Only you will have access to your data.
* Your data can be efficiently restored with only two mouse clicks.
* Online backup solutions are completely scalable. Your backup account will grow as your data requirements grows. No need to replace expensive hardware in the future.
* Versioning, you can store multiple file versions ensuring previous versions (rollback) will always be available.

An online backup solution is proven to be a safer, more secure and a more efficient backup process for users of all sizes.


Hightrees Organisation can offer you a 1Gb or 20Gb fully functional online backup account, FREE OF CHARGE for 30 days so that you can use to backup your data.

Please contact us for more information – we are sorry but this offer is only open  to New Customers.


Home Users – AVG Anti Virus and Firewall

Home Users – AVG Anti Virus and Firewall 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

AVG Anti-Virus plus Firewall

Antivirus, antispyware and firewall protection for Windows from the world’s most trusted security company. Use the Internet with confidence in your home or small office.

Integrated protection

  • : protection against viruses, worms and trojans
  • : protection against spyware, adware and identity-theft
  • : protection against hidden threats (rootkits)
  • : protection against malicious websites
  • : protection against hackers

Home Users – AVG Anti Virus and Anti Spyware

Home Users – AVG Anti Virus and Anti Spyware 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

AVG Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware

Antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows from the world’s most trusted security company. Use the Internet with confidence in your home or small office.

Integrated protection

  • : protection against viruses, worms and trojans
  • : protection against spyware, adware and identity-theft
  • : protection against hidden threats (rootkits)
  • : protection against malicious websites

Home Users – AVG Internet Security

Home Users – AVG Internet Security 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam, Web Protection & Firewall

Comprehensive protection for your computer!

AVG ensures your safety while you search or surf the net, download music, documents and pictures, send emails or instant message by scanning documents, files, Web pages and Web links before you open them. AVG Internet Security is a reliable and easy-to-use solution for home and small office users.