
Frequently Asked Questions about our Acronis hosted Backup services

Backup Creation and Recovery

Backup Creation and Recovery 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

Selecting Office 365 mailboxes to backup

1. Select the mailbox you wish to backup:

365backup image





2.Select “Backup”:

Menu 365backup image










From here select your required backup options and save.

3.Once complete your backup plan will appear on the right hand side of the portal:

Backup 365 Image






Recovering Office 365 mailboxes and mailbox items

1. Click Microsoft Office 365.

2. Select the mailbox to recover, and then click Recovery.

You can search mailboxes by name. Wildcards are not supported.
If the mailbox was deleted, select it on the Backups tab, and then click Show backups.

3. Select a recovery point. Note that recovery points are filtered by location.

4. Click Recover > Mailbox.

5. In Target mailbox view, change, or specify the target mailbox.

By default, the original mailbox is selected. If this mailbox does not exist, you must specify the target mailbox.

6. Click Start recovery.

Recovering mailbox items

1. Click Microsoft Office 365.

2. Select the mailbox that originally contained the items that you want to recover, and then click Recovery.

You can search mailboxes by name. Wildcards are not supported.

If the mailbox was deleted, select it on the Backups tab, and then click Show backups.

3. Select a recovery point. Note that recovery points are filtered by location.

4. Click Recover > Email messages.

5. Select the items that you want to recover.

The following search options are available. Wildcards are not supported.

  • For email messages: search by subject, sender, recipient, and date.
  • For events: search by title and date.
  • For tasks: search by subject and date.
  • For contacts: search by name, email address, and phone number.

When an email message is selected, you can click Show content to view its contents, including attachments.

Tip Click the name of an attached file to download it.

When an email message is selected, you can click Send as email to send the message to an email address. The message is sent from your administrator account’s email address.

To be able to select folders, click the “recover folders” icon:

6. Click Recover.

7. In Target mailbox, view, change, or specify the target mailbox.

By default, the original mailbox is selected. If this mailbox does not exist, you must specify the target mailbox.

8. Click Start recovery.

9. Confirm your decision.

The mailbox items are always recovered to the Recovered items folder of the target mailbox.

Why Office 365 Mailbox Backup ?

Why Office 365 Mailbox Backup ? 150 150 Small Business IT Solutions

Why back up Office 365 mailboxes?

Even though Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud service, regular backups provide an additional layer of protection from user errors and intentional malicious actions. You can recover deleted items from a backup even after the Office 365 retention period has expired. Also, you can keep a local copy of the Office 365 mailboxes if it is required by a regulatory compliance.

What do I need to back up the mailboxes?

To back up and recover Office 365 mailboxes, you must be assigned the global administrator role in Microsoft Office 365.

Install Agent for Office 365 on a Windows machine that is connected to the Internet. There must be only one Agent for Office 365 in an organization (customer group). The agent must be registered under the customer administrator account.

What items can be recovered?

The following items can be recovered from a mailbox backup:

  • Mailboxes
  • Email folders
  • Email messages
  • Calendar events
  • Tasks
  • Contacts
  • Journal entries
  • Notes

You can use search to locate the items.
When a mailbox is recovered to an existing mailbox, the existing items with matching IDs are overwritten.
Recovery of mailbox items does not overwrite anything. The mailbox items are always recovered to the Recovered items folder of the target mailbox.


  • Archive mailboxes (In-Place Archive) cannot be backed up.
  • Recovery to a new mailbox is not possible. You must first create a new Office 365 user manually,  and then recover items to this user’s mailbox.
  • Recovery to a different Microsoft Office 365 organization or to an on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server is not supported.